Hailing from an alternate universe where the heroic women of DC Comics fought in World War II, the DC Bombshells series now features the powerhouse pinups in the form of Ikon Collectables’ new line of DC Bombshells 3D Mugs!
With a unique 3D design, these mugs are shaped like a missile, paying tribute to the DC Bombshells brand. Each mug features specific DC Bombshell on one side, with their logo featured on the other side. They also come compelte with lids, to ensure You’re able to keep your drinks warm all Winter!
Product Specifications
This mug features , who although a thief at heart.
She also promoted animal rights, going as far as using her costumed persona to spy and foil companies violating the rights of animals.
Add a touch of purrrrfection to your kitchen today!
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